The coronavirus pandemic has hit us all in many ways, socially, medically, financially and psychologically. We’ve been challenged to change so much in just a matter of weeks. Some of us are learning how to use technology tools we were sure we’d never need, others have turned their living rooms into one-room schoolhouses and the social butterflies among us are learning to rest their anxious wings. We’ll be really excited to say goodbye to some of these changes when things finally get back to normal but we’re also learning things that will be super valuable post-pandemic. There’s always a silver lining. As David Bowie said “turn and face the strange..ch-ch-ch-ch-changes..
Many folks we’ve spoken with lately are worried about paying their mortgage. Tomorrow we are excited to host Let’s Talk Foreclosures where Attorney Suzann Beckett will join well-known West Hartford foreclosure defense lawyer Attorney Sarah Poriss via Zoom conference (click here to download Zoom). Attorney Poriss will share her thoughts on what to do if you can’t pay your mortgage, and the different types of assistance that might be available to you. If you’re worried about paying your mortgage or just interested to hear her take on the situation please click here to join us tomorrow, April 1st at 3:00 PM.
In other news, the court is now allowing e-signatures for bankruptcy petitions. This is great news for those who are ready to file since it means we can keep moving your case forward despite social distancing.
Foreclosure mediations and pre-mediations originally scheduled from now through April 30 have been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date. So if you were in the midst of a foreclosure even before the coronavirus situation, go ahead and breathe a sigh of relief.
A HUGE shout out and thank you to Governor Lamont who has consistently been calm, professional and responsive during this pandemic. He has been one of the leaders in listening to our need for an alternative way to sign estate planning and real estate documents. Just Friday, he signed a new Executive Order greatly expanding our ability to sign Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney and other documents without being physically present with each other.
Please, if you don’t have a Health Care or Financial Power of Attorney, call us today. We are offering ½ price Powers of Attorneys through April 30th as a way to encourage all of our friends to take care of themselves. Instead of $150 each, we are temporarily reducing our fee to $75 each. We sure hope you don’t need to use them, but we want to do our part to ensure that, if you do, you have them and they’re up to date. Call us at 860-232-1920 now or click here to email us.
You’ve undoubtedly heard that the CARES Act economic bill signed into law last week offers economic relief to most businesses including forgivable loans, quick relief grants and tax relief, etc. The Act also offers relief to individuals in the form of student loan deferment, mortgage forbearance, additional unemployment benefits, tax rebates, penalty-free access to contribution plans like 401(k)s, and rebate checks up to $2,400 plus $500 per child under 17. Of particular interest to some of our clients are the credit reporting changes in the CARES Act. Reports to credit bureaus must show accounts as current from January 31, 2020 through the national emergency declaration expiration. The Act includes many other provisions as well…for health care fees, employee education, etc. Click here to be redirected to Congress to read all of the Act’s details.
Beckett Law LLC, and its subsidiary firms CT Bankruptcy and Estate Planning Law Center will continue to stay abreast of all news, announcements, and policies that have developed as a result of this pandemic. We value your business and the relationship we have built with you over the years. We urge you to heed the CDC’s guidance about hand-washing and physical distancing and we are confident that we will be able to meet face-to-face and shake hands again soon.
Stay safe!