What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! Kelly Clarkson’s words perfectly capture the last few months, don’t they? Our team has been available and actively working on cases throughout the pandemic and we’ve found innovative ways to be productive in a virtual, no contact work environment. Since we are now able to sign, witness and notarize estate planning documents remotely and conduct client meetings online, we plan to continue to do so. Our staff and client’s safety is our first priority so we’ll continue to get the job done remotely to avoid spreading contagions. We aren’t in a rush to open the doors to the public just yet, but are exploring how to reconfigure the office and comply with the State requirements for social distancing so we can open later this summer.
Call us timid if you like, but the suddenness of these losses hit like a stun gun and reminded us of just how fragile life is. Although we’ll take our time reopening our physical building, be assured we’re working hard behind those closed doors every day.
On the upside, we’re starting to love some of the changes we’ve implemented. Since CT began allowing remote signings, with remote witnesses and notarizations, we’ve found that it makes it much easier for some of our older clients (and busy younger clients) to complete their estate plans. We would have never imagined it 3 months ago, but over the past 2 months we’ve done many intake meetings, design meetings, and signing meetings with new clients that we’ve never even met in person! It’s gratifying to know we’ve been able to help people get their affairs in order during this time. If you haven’t yet updated your health care power of attorney, living will, or even your Will / Trust, click here to CALL US. or you can send us an email.
We promise you’ll sleep better knowing you’ve protected yourself and your family.We continue to offer FREE Medical Powers of Attorney and Financial Powers of Attorney to anyone in the healthcare field. Call us at 860-232-1920 to request a simple questionnaire. We can get the necessary information, draft the documents and schedule signings in 2 weeks or less, and you can do everything from the comfort of your home, or even during a break at work.
From an economic standpoint, while the stock market was up more than 3% this week, we remain concerned about the long term effects of COVID 19 on people’s lives. We have many clients, friends and family members out of work, with no end in sight. Almost 40 million Americans are unemployed right now – an extraordinary number and rivals the numbers from the Great Depression. The next weeks and months will be critical, and it’s impossible to predict where the economy will be by the end of the summer.
According to the CT Fair Housing Center, at least 9 of the 50+ participating banks and credit unions have broken the 60-day foreclosure moratorium Governor Lamont announced on March 31. If you get papers from one of those banks, let us know or call Fair Housing directly at (860) 247-4400.
Apartment evictions are stayed until July 1st. Foreclosure law dates for all pending matters have been extended to July 7th. Once the State courts fully reopen, there is likely to be flurry of activity due to the backlog of cases so be sure to read any legal notice you get very carefully and pay close attention to deadlines or hearing notices.
We’re all in this together and we’re all going to see many more changes in our day-to-day lives over the next few months but stay strong. Despite the difficulties and despair, it’s been a blessing to spend more time with family and strengthen bonds that may have frayed while living our crazy busy New England pre-COVID 19 lives. There’s always a silver lining.
As a reminder, if you need help, please reach out to us at 860-236-1111; even if our office can’t provide the service you need, we can probably connect you with someone that can.
Beckett Law LLC, and its subsidiary firms CT Bankruptcy and Estate Planning Law Center will continue to stay abreast of all news, announcements, and policies that have developed as a result of this pandemic. We value your business and the relationship we have built with you over the years. We urge you to heed the CDC’s guidance about hand-washing and physical distancing and we are confident that we will be able to meet face-to-face and shake hands again soon.